The 7th Graduation Ceremony to be held on Friday 21st   October 2022

African institute of research and development studies wishes to inform ALL candidates who qualified for the conferment of various Higher diploma, diploma, certificates and award of artesian of AIRADS during the previous Academic Years, Parents /Guardians, Stake holders and the general public that the Graduation Ceremony will take place on 21st October, 2022 starting at 8.00 a.m. at Eldoret sports club grounds, Graduation Pavilion.


It is the duty and responsibility of each graduand to confirm his/her Examination results and the accuracy and order of names from the respective School on or before 10th October, 2022.
Prospective graduands are informed that those who will not have met all the requirements for graduation, including clearance of fees and other levies by 14th October, 2022 will not be included in the  final graduation list.
NOTE:  Graduands are not expected to introduce NEW names other     than those used DURING  admission to theCollege.

All graduands who wish to participate in the ceremony MUST attend the rehearsal on 20th October, 2022 at 8.00 a.m. Each graduand will be issued with three (3) invitation cards for their guests.  The cards will be collected from respective campuses on or before 15th October, 2022.
Persons without invitation cards will not be allowed into the Graduation Pavilion.

All graduands will be required to be in academic regalia during the ceremony.  The academic gown will be available for hire and issue from 10th October, 2022  to 25th  October, 2022 at Ksh. 3,000


All graduands will be expected to make their own arrangements for     accommodation.

All payments should be made to African institute of research and development studies respective campuses bank accounts.


On the material day, graduands and their guests will be expected to have taken their seats by 7.30 a.m.  Those arriving late will not be allowed into the graduation Pavilion.


For further information, please contact the respective campuses office or the following contacts:

0723 555 999,


This is one of the gracious and auspicious is a major step in the journey of our destinies. One that should be recognized for its immense significance. It is an act not only of personal commitment, sacrificial, but also one of pride. We all work smart to get to this colorful day. And we don’t have to stop there! The graduation has already shown us how capable we all are of accomplishing our goals when we commit ourselves to them.

The road that lies ahead won’t be easy. There will be obstacles and missed exits, potholes and roadblocks. There will be times when each of us will feel like we cannot possibly go on. There will be times when each of us will think he or she is alone, a back against the wall. But we are not alone—we are all in this journey together.  We will keep pushing, because we know we can achieve our dreams, and because we are worth it.

Why graduation

This is one of the questions which many people ask them. Many guys miss out on why they have to graduate. The following are mindset reasons why we need to undertake the event:

  • It is for fun to many
  • It demonstrate the level of personal commitment
  • It guarantees you the certification for the job market.
  • It is away to invest in the future.
  • Makes you Pursue your interests in more depth and strength.
  • Contribute to the world’s knowledge
  • Exposes your career, potentials and hence create more connections
  • Get academic recognition
  • Increase your financial prospects.


  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”.
  • “Follow your fear.”
  • “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
  • “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” \
  • “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” — …

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